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GLTS Power Board

Mahin Meherab Aunik
Cheif Operating Officer, COO
A Lawyer and Educator in Profession. A youth leader committed to serve the people and world. He is also CO of GLTS “Law Force” to establish peace and rights.

Mahir Daiyan
Deputy Director, DD
A Youth Leader, doing graduation in Environment. He is committed to Develop a Green World. He is also CO of GLTS “Green United Nations (GUN)” and Country Leader of GLTS Bangladesh.

Hasibul Islam Hasib
1st Joint Director, JD-1
A youth activist and studying BBA. He wants to build a skilled and empowered young generation through education and learning.

Asif Ayoob
Director, International Affairs
Goodwill Ambassador-IIMSAM, UN ECOSOC observer

Md Ramjan Hossain Rony
2nd Joint Director, JD-1
Environmental activist and doing under graduation.

Monir Hossen
Director, Research & Project Management

Director, World Women Force WWF, Uganda
Social Activist, Uganda

Principal Director, GLTS English Club
Ph.D Scholar, P.G. & Research Department of English, Bishop Herber College, India

Arunavo Paul Shopno
Director, GLTS Cultural Club
A youth activist and student. He is expert in multicultural activities.

M.A.H Rafsan Jani
Director, Bangladesh Youth Org. Network
Founder, YOUTH 360

Azin Aneez
Director of Global Youth Org. Network
Social Activist and Student, USA
Digital ID Numbers
1.Mahin Meherab Aunik : CPB-202019919760
2. Mahir Daiyan :
3. Hasibul Islam Hasib : CPB-202220014536
4. Md. Ramjan Hossain Rony
5. Asif Ayoob
6. Monir Hossen : CPB-202219951994
7. Syrah Kalungi
8. L. Santhosh Kumar
9. Arunavo Paul Shopno : CPB-202220048543
10. M.A.H Rafsan Jani – CPB-202219981250
11. Azin Aneez – CPB-202220055620