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                                              The decay of the youth  and what we have to do?? 

The youth of a country is formed with the young people. The most important population of a country is youth.  Because the greater welfare of the country and the nation is not achieved with the help of children, teenagers or the elderly.  Youth for the liberation and development of the country

 Society has to come forward.  It is the youth-envoys who have blossomed a new life in the heart of the world, have shown the dreams of the dreamless, have inspired them.  The  youth is the source of infinite vitality.  That energy makes human life dynamic and hopeful.  The youth came forward as a symbol of unwavering enthusiasm, tireless zeal, boundless generosity, endless vitality and unwavering pursuit to reshape the sick, tired and worn out society.  They came to the side of endangered humanity with a service role.  The contribution and great self-sacrifice of the youth in the struggle for the liberation and movement of the motherland from time to time is forever improved, eternal and beneficial.  So the youth has to be well educated, hardworking, responsible, honest, brave and humane.

 Decay of youth: The word ‘decay’ literally means destruction, loss, damage or decay.  Decline of youth means loss or destruction of youth.  The decay of life comes only when the qualities that are necessary in human life to make life beautiful and a symbol of well-being are lost or destroyed.  Youth & Development says -The decadence of the youth is due to the environmental reflection bad effects of science & technology, state’s apathy & above all, family’s indifference..  Today our youth is going astray and is pushing the country and the nation towards darkness.  The youth today have a divisive duty – in action, in consciousness, in mind, in education, in culture.  They are losing their human values ​​and personality due to drug addiction.  Their reluctance to dream of the future, build life and engage in social work has begun.  In such a situation of the youth, the nation today is apprehensive and worried.

 Reasons for the decline of the youth: The decline of the youth did not happen in one day, it did not happen for one or two reasons.  For a variety of reasons, the youth have almost reached the brink of extinction.  The following are some of the reasons for this:

 ★  Decline of Moral Values: Moral values ​​are the moral ideals of the people, which make the way of life and way of life beautiful and pure, and develop them as person with the mentality of working for the welfare of the country and the nation.  Ethical values ​​include honesty, conscientiousness, courtesy, discipline, patience, perseverance, and so on.  It is through the practice of these virtues that human moral values ​​develop.  And moral values ​​awaken the human condition of the people and make the human character balanced.  There is no substitute for moral values ​​in the pursuit of spiritual and social excellence.  As a result, the main goal of education is to inculcate moral values ​​in the human mind and through it to build people with values.  In today’s youth society, the issue of this moral value is an object of neglect.  Someone is not paying attention to it and is indulging in it.  As a result, extreme decay is coming down among them.  This is not only their fault, but also the controller of the youth.  Many of those who are advising them are moral, honest, and devoted.  As a result, the young society is getting confused after listening to them.  The youth are not finding a good education of moral and human values ​​even in the education of passing exams and obtaining degrees.

 ★  Economic catastrophe: Greed, lust, violence, envy are increasing among the people due to the decline of moral values.  People are becoming self-centered in self-awareness and self-interest.  The result is an overall economic catastrophe.  Due to the economic catastrophe, our new society is affected in many ways and is on the verge of decline.  Political instability has a role to play in the economic downturn.

 ★  Political instability

 Political instability results in a huge impact on the economic and social spheres of a country.  Rising inequality between rich and poor, adverse response in the field of education, the basic human needs of the people in the country’s youth are scattered.  There is instability in their thoughts and consciousness.  They fall into indecision and cannot do the right thing at the right time.  Thus, political instability pushes the youth towards decline.  In the mother tongue movement of 1952 and the freedom struggle of 1971, the youth of this country stood up against the ruling class.  By acknowledging the supreme sacrifice, they protected the mother tongue and liberated the motherland.  But their power has not yet been used to build the country.  The main reason for this is political instability.  Frequent change of government, absence of democratic environment, lack of tolerance, seizure of black money, reluctance to use illegal weapons, national demands etc. are making today’s youth frustrated and misguided.  As a result, they have become self-perverted and are advancing through moral degradation.

 ★ Underestimation of honest people in the society: At present honest and good people have no value.  He has no respect in the society.  No one respects him.  Office – He was ridiculed in court as insane, insane, etc.  As a result, people cannot spread their principles and ideals for the betterment of the society.  They cannot go far with the welfare work of the society.  And a group of Lakes, in the name of social service, by gaining their own interests and showing arbitrariness, also got the highest seat in the society and got the crown of honor from the people.  The young society witnessed it in amazement.  The respect of the anti-socials, the prestige they witness, the value of a wise, honest man becomes very insignificant.  Honesty is humiliated there and helpless conscience is deprived there.  For these reasons, young people leave the path of truth and welfare and go on the path of darkness.  Self-acceptance, power, influence – in the lure of prestige, they step on the path of decline.

 ★ Effects of decay elements: The environment affects people the most.  The unstable environment around is one of the reasons for the decline of the youth.  A class of power and money-loving lakes are using the youth for their own benefit.  Young people are ruining their potential lives by falling into the trap of their cunning.  Selfish people are doing all kinds of illegal things to the youth, showing them the lure of money and pushing them towards destruction.  Young people are getting unwillingly. The fear of running activities, money, cars, houses, shelter, indulgence are pushing the youth towards gradual decline.

★  Impact of Unemployment: Unemployment is a deadly curse for a country.  Those who become unemployed after finishing their studies are unemployed due to lack of work.  Unemployed life is full of various frustrations and pains.  There are about two crore educated unemployed in this country.  Those aged 20 to 35 years.  They face economic crisis as they do not get enough work and support to earn a living.  If this situation continues for a long time, they will run towards injustice out of anger.  They are involved in various heinous crimes like murder, robbery, snatching etc.  So unemployment is especially responsible for the decline of the youth.

★  Effects of different mediums: Healthy mediums benefit people.  Adjusts to history, tradition and culture.  Healthy communication also plays an important role in improving human morality.  In the fascinating story of the movie, obscene gestures, obscene dance-songs, reckless love pictures of heroes and heroines, murder, injuries, robbery, snatching, robbery, etc. lead the youth to decline.  Young people often mistaken these bizarre and unreal life for real life and fall prey to the subculture by blindly following the rules and regulations of the movie world.  In television, drama is presented in language, boyfriend-boyfriend dialogue, etc., sexuality is being given importance.  Documentaries on murders, murders, rapes, etc., and the lack of proper peace of those involved in them are leading the youth to crime.  Pornography is everywhere in the name of fashion, modernity, advertising.  As a result, the youth is running towards moral decay.  Watching pornographic movies on the internet using personal computer.  Sitting in a cybercafé, your partner is not enjoying pornography.  On the other hand, pornographic magazines and pictures are very easy to use.  As a result, our youth is losing its moral character and is moving towards decay.

 ★ Family breakdown and loneliness: One of the reasons for the decline of the youth is family breakdown and loneliness.  Family members, especially parents, have a distrustful and violent attitude instead of tolerant behavior, love, affection, and affection, which affects the child.  Parental quarrels and conflicts cause the child to get distracted and he goes astray.  Forgetting family unrest leads to intoxication.  Again, in loneliness, the youth get involved in criminal activities to forget the frustration and pain.  No one realizes the value and dignity of life and goes ahead in an unjust way.  Due to the psychological problems caused by divorce, rejection of love, dismissal, etc., the youth are often unable to achieve their goals.  As a result, they are driven towards various crimes.  We also see religious orthodoxy, superstition, bad company, monotony of urban life, lack of pure pleasure – lack of communication, economic barriers, economic inadequacy, lack of moral education to create human values, etc. as the reasons for the decline of the youth.

 Ways to remedy the decline of the youth: In order to lead the youth in the path of truth and justice by organizing them, it is necessary to raise awareness of ethics among them.  Because the youth are the bright future of the country and the leader of the nation.  Therefore, the conscious community has to work with sincerity to save them from decay.  We can take the following steps to prevent and reverse the decline of the youth.  E.g.

 1.  Awakening of Values: In order to bring the youth back from the path of decay, human values ​​need to be awakened in them.  When values ​​are awakened, they will understand good and evil.  Then they will no longer become intolerant, inhuman.  Learn to judge and analyze the opinions of others.  If there is an awakening of values, there will be a decline and the youth will be saved from destruction.

 2.  Achieving Political and Economic Stability: Political stability is of course important to prevent the decline of a country’s youth.  Most development plans are not implemented due to political instability.  As a result, the pressure on the economy increases.  The youth are greatly affected by the economic crisis.  They get involved in various criminal activities.  If the country’s political stability is achieved, the decline will be largely averted;  Young people will have the opportunity to devote themselves to creative work.

  3.  Value and dignity of the ideal person: Increase the value and dignity of the ideal person in the society affects the youth.  So they have to increase their social value.  The wicked and unjust must be boycotted.  Morality, beneficial knowledge must be used.  The face of the unjust and clever person must be opened.  Then the youth will improve in morality by avoiding muscle power, lies and injustice

 4.  Employment system: In order to get rid of the curse of unemployment, the youth run away from morality and towards crime.  So they have to arrange employment according to their qualifications.  There are about two crore unemployed in the country.  If we cannot provide employment to them, it is not possible to stop the decline.  Because unemployment acts as a barrier to all their good thoughts.  Unemployment frustration – they will move away from the wrong path when they are freed from suffering.

  5.  Resist the aggression of subcultures: If we can make the youth cultured, they will be attracted to pure pleasure and will lose interest in pornographic dances, songs, love stories or pornography.  For these, the government and the concerned people will be aware of the aggression of foreign subcultures.  The youth need to integrate our history and heritage.  If we can make them fond of Bengali culture for thousands of years, they will avoid foreign subcultures.  The aggression of subculture will prevent the decline of the youth.

 6.Healthy recreation system:  Healthy food is necessary  for healthy  body  Similarly, a healthy mind needs healthy entertainment.  Healthy entertainment  makes the mind beautiful and full of joy.  With the joy of the beautiful mind, no one steps on the path of injustice.  Therefore, it is necessary to broadcast non-obscene programs, movies, dramas etc. on television as a healthy application.  Instead of pornographic dances, dialogues and unrealistic non-fiction films, healthy genres should be shown in theaters.  One should stay away from all things that hurt religious values.  The youth should be made aware and motivated to avoid vulgar and offensive attire.

 6. Expansion of social welfare work: The youth should be encouraged in social welfare work.  Then they will have less time and opportunity to become prone to crime.  A variety of social welfare activities can be conducted by the youth on a voluntary basis.  They are employed with different job trainings in different seasons.  Such as- tree planting campaigns, more food production programs, expansion of education for children and women, increase in first aid awareness etc.  Domestic and foreign NGOs have to come forward in this regard.  Then the youth will be largely saved from decay.

7. Family breakdown: It is important to keep a watchful eye so that a young man or woman does not become prone to crime or self-perversion due to family reasons.  It will be the responsibility of the family to refrain from doing anything that does not harm or harm the child or the young member of the family.  Parents need to make sure that their child is physically and mentally healthy so that they do not get involved in private life.  They also need to be aware of the child’s purpose in life.  Young children need to be treated as friends.

 Youth is the biggest driving force of a country.  If this energy cannot be stopped, the country will become paralyzed.  At present, due to unemployment, aggression of foreign subcultures, influence of Akash culture, political instability, etc., the youth of this country are lost.  They are frustrated and addicted to various drugs.  They must be protected from such degradation. Then the future of the nation will soon sink into the abyss of darkness.  Therefore, the youth of this country must be protected from decay at any cost.  And if we can do that, we will be able to emerge as a prosperous nation.

Writer: Anis Uddin, District Leader, GLTS


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